
Mercy Love And Grace

God’s mercy is renewed every morning
With his grace and love our life he is adorning
Molding us into his image as planned
Guiding us each day by his gracious hand
Restoring our hearts once broken and bruised
Purifying our souls to what once had been abused

Showing to us each and every day
His love, the truth and the way
Teaching us about his forgiveness
Filling our soul with his holiness

God’s mercy is redeeming
His grace and love conceiving
Helping us grow like Him each day
Preparing us in his direction so we do not stray
Keeping us together with him walking in the light
Protecting us from evil at night

God’s mercy and love
Flowing down from above
As his blessings are poured out to us
By his son Jesus
He showed his mercy and grace
By his son Jesus we were saved
There is no other true love like this we can ever replace
By his mercy love and grace
One day we will meet him face to face!

~From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another.~ John 1:165

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